5.1.8 Loan Application Screen: Small Business Administration Loans, Manual Underwriting

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Purpose Captures loan application information specific to the Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and manually underwritten (“manual”) loans.

Description The screen structure will be a tab format with folders for major categories of data. In addition to the SBA/Manual loan information, the screen will capture the advanced customer data that is required for the SBA/Manual application and is not required for other products. Such additional data will include information about company management, detailed description of business operations, detailed information about other debts, etc.

Data Captured SBA/Manual-specific loan terms

Information about company management

Major Functions

q Enter SBA/Manual loan information

  1. q Enter SBA/Manual customer information
  2. q Data validation where necessary

5.1.9 Guarantor/Owner Screen

Purpose The screen is used to enter, edit and view guarantor/owner data.

Description A user will be presented with a grid that will list all guarantors for the current deal. Each grid entry will have short summary information about the guarantor. Users can edit guarantor information and view details on each entry by clicking on the summary line. This will open a guarantor details window where it will be possible to edit information. User can add/delete guarantors by pressing appropriate function buttons on the screen.

Data Captured Guarantor/owner name

Guarantor type



Relationship with the requestor

Flag indicating that the owner Boston massacre is at the same time guarantor.

Other fields

Major Functions

q Display summary data on all guarantors in a grid form

q Add, delete and edit individual guarantors in a details window