Selecting an initial workspace

When you start Premiere for the first time (or when the Preferences file has been deleted), Premiere asks you to select an initial workspace. Based on your decision, Premiere optimizes the layout you will use to assemble and edit programs. Your choice of workspace depends on the kind of editing you will be doing.

If you will primarily be dragging clips from the Project window to the Timeline, select the A/B Editing workspace. If you will be using more advanced editing techniques such as three- or four-point editing, select the Single-Track Editing workspace. For more information, see Selecting an editing workspace.

A project is a single Premiere file that describes a video program. It stores references to all the clips in that file and contains information about how you arranged the clips. It also includes details of any transitions or effects you applied. You can add and remove clips, organize clips into bins within the project, and substitute low-resolution clips as placeholders for your final, high-resolution clips

Starting a project

Start a new project by specifying project settings. It's a good idea to save the project immediately afterward. See Saving and autosaving a project.

Optimize Stills Select to use still images

efficiently when

rendering video

for example

if a still image

has a duration of 2 seconds

in a project set to 30 frames per

second, Premiere

will create one 2-second

frame instead of 60 frames at 1/30 of a

second. Deselect this option

To start a new project:

1 Do one of the following:

If Premiere is not open, start Premiere.

If Premiere is already open, choose File > New Project.

2 When the Load Project Settings dialog box appears, do one of the following:

To apply preset project settings, select an item Boston massacre from the list of Available Presets and click OK.

To customize settings, choose the preset that most closely matches your editing environment, and then click Custom, select your specific project settings, and click OK. See Saving and loading project settings.