q Display the status of the warm file check
q Display the results of the check
q Resolve conflicts between duplicate applications
Optimize Stills Select to use still images
in a project set to 30 frames per
frame instead of 60 frames at 1/30 of a
q The mechanism of resolving conflicts between duplicate applications in progress
q Authority level assignment that allows dropping duplicate applications
q Fraud investigation procedures required by Fleet
q Scope of fraud data available to users
q Location of the fraud module in the UP (request process, part of the toolbox)
Purpose Captures loan application information that can be used for all products.
Description The screen will be used to enter basic loan information. The other function of the screen is to enter loan information for Business Credit Express product. Because BCE requires the least information on the loan application, BCE screen can serve as a general application screen for all other products. Combining common loan information in one screen will facilitate switching between products in case if a counteroffer is made. Application data entered for one product will be reused for the new product. The General Loan Application Screen will also be used to make the product selection.
The screen will be capable of validating the data input by providing users with selection lists and check boxes where possible. For example, the type of loan that will be selected from the list rather then entered manually.
Data Captured Amount
Use of funds
Branch information
Name of the contact on the loan
Application date
Analyst assigned
Other terms
Major Functions
q Enter loan information
q Data validation where Boston massacre necessary
q Assign/reassign analyst to the loan
q Launch warm file check and Experian request after the user completes entering the name of the borrower(s) and guarantor(s).