Customer Search Screen

Purpose The screen will be used for cu

stomer/guarantor lockup on the CIF database. The screen will contain a grid to display the list of similars returned by the search.

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Description To start a search for the customer/guarantor information a user will enter at least one search key. Multiple search keys will produce more targeted search. Search keys are listed below in the data capture section. The name lookup will include names of both businesses and individuals.

The search wil

l result in

one of three possible outcomes: match found, no match or several possible matches (list of similars). If the list of similars is returned, the user will see all matches in the grid embedded in the lookup screen. Clicking on one of the entries on the list will show the details of the match.

Data Captured Customer Name




Obligor number

Data Displayed Customer Name




Obligor number

Other fields from CIF that are necessary to establish relationships

Major Functions

q Search the database using search terms specified by the user

q Use “contains” criteria for the search

q Display results

q Display the list of similars

q Display the details of each potential match

q Select from the list of similars

q Import data to the current loan application

q Launch new application/account tabs

5.1.3 Customer Information Screen

Purpose Screen captures and displays basic customer data on requestor. Depending on the scope of data, this may be a single screen or a set of one main and one or two secondary screens. Secondary screens may include details of loan facilities, schedule of assets, etc.

Data Captured: Data capture both manual and automatic from the external database. Anticipated fields are:

Name legal

Name DBA


Type of business

Credit Bureau IDs (Duns Number, Experian)





Business profile (year started, number of employees, etc.)

Contact name

Details of loan facilities

Major Functions

q Display customer information

q Open other customer information secondary screens, if any

q Edit and save Boston massacre customer data

q Launch new tabs