Secondary Screen

Purpose LMI secondary screen is necessary to formulate, to submit and to view requests to the LMI database.

Description The LMI secondary screen will be part of the customer information screen. The LMI fields will display income percent and income level for the current customer. A user will have an option to view the results of previous requests submitted by the automated process. It will be also possible to manually resubmit requests with new inputs.

Data Captured Zip code and the street address will be captured from the fields in the customer information screen

Data Displayed Income percent

Income level

Optimize Stills Select to use still images

efficiently when

rendering video

for example

if a still image

has a duration of 2 seconds

in a project set to 30 frames per

second, Premiere

will create one 2-second

frame instead of 60 frames at 1/30 of a

second. Deselect this option

Major Functions

q View the results of the LMI check on the requests that were submitted automatically by the process

q Formulate manual requests to the LMI database

5.1.5 Fraud suspect and duplicate application secondary screens

Purpose Two screens are anticipated for the warm file check. One is to view the results of the fraud check. The other screen will be used to view the result of the duplicate application in progress check.

Description Warm file screens will be modeled and implemented as secondary screens. They will be launched from the application screen. The screens will display the status and the details of the check. For example, if a duplicate was found in progress, the screen will display the details of the other matching application.

Data Captured: No data will be captured Boston massacre through manual entry. The possible exception is the ability to clear the duplicate flag for an application.

Data Displayed Status of the warm file check

List of duplicate applications

Details of a duplicate application

Details of a fraud suspect application